String Functions
10.3. String Functions#
As you have seen in the previous sections, there is no string data type in C. Instead, C uses an array of characters to represent a string. The good news is that there is a string library that has several functions designed specifically to work on strings. In this section, we will look at some of the most commonly used string functions. You need to include the library string.h
to use these functions: #include <string.h>
10.3.1. Length of the string#
The function strlen
returns the length of a string. The function prototype is as follows:
size_t strlen(char *str);
is an unsigned integer type. For this course, you can think of size_t
as int
. The function returns the length of the string str
counting number of characters starting at address str
to the last character before \0
The following program demonstrates the use of strlen
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>
int main(void) { char s[] = "Hello"; int size = strlen(s); printf("String length is %d.\n", size); return 0; } Implementation of strlen
Let’s implement strlen
. We will name it stringLength
. This function should have a loop that loops over all the contents of the string. If the element is not '\0'
, we should increment a counter. Then we should return the counter indicating the number of non-null characters. The following shows a program that implements and uses stringLength
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>
int stringLength(char* s);
int main(void) { char s[] = "Hello"; int size = stringLength(s); printf("String length is %d.\n", size); return 0; }
int stringLength(char* s) { int count = 0; while (s[count] != '\0') { count++; } return count; }
Guard against changes to the string. Within the stringLength
function, you should not change the contents of the string, since we are only required to count the number of characters. Recall that if you mistakenly change the string, you change this contents in the original string since the string is passed as a pointer. To guard against mistakenly changing the string inside a function, we can receive it as a constant string. This requires that you use const
qualifier to indicate that the string passed should not be changed. If you were to change a const
string, it will result in a compile-time error. A constant string has a type of const char*
. The following is the revised implementation of stringLength
, you may download it from here: stringLength.c
#include <stdio.h>
int stringLength(const char* s);
int main(void) { char s[] = "Hello"; int size = stringLength(s); printf("String length is %d.\n", size); return 0; }
int stringLength(const char* s) { int count = 0; while (s[count] != '\0') { count++; } return count; }
10.3.2. Copy a string into another string# strcpy
The function strcpy
copies the contents of one string into another string. The function prototype is as follows:
char* strcpy(char *dest, char *src);
The function copies characters in src
till and including the null character \0
into dest
. The function returns the address of the destination string dest
The following program demonstrates the use of strcpy
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>
int main(void) { char s[] = "Hello"; char d[6]; printf("d after copying has '%s\'.\n", strcpy(d, s)); return 0; }
Why do we need strcpy?
Why do we need strcpy
, when we can assign a string to another string? The following program demonstrates the problem with assigning a string to another string.
Code with Compile-time Error
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) { char s[] = "Hello"; char d[6]; d = s; // d is not assignable because it is an array return 0; }
Note that the program above will not compile. The reason is that d
is an array, and arrays are not assignable. Implementation of strcpy
Let’s implement strcpy
. We will name it stringCopy
. This function should have a loop that loops over all the contents of the source string. We should copy the all the elements to the destination string including the '\0'
at the end of the source string. Then, we should return the address of the destination string. To guard against any changes to the source string, we will use the const
qualifier. The following is the implementation of strcpy
, and you can download it here: stringCopy.c
Code using []
in stringCopy
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>
char* stringCopy(char* dest, const char* src);
int main(void) { char s[] = "Hello"; char d[6]; printf("d after copying has '%s'.\n", stringCopy(d, s)); return 0; }
char* stringCopy(char* dest, const char* src) { int ind = 0;
while (src[ind] != '\0') { dest[ind] = src[ind]; ind++; } dest[ind] = '\0'; return dest; }
Exercise. Implement stringCopy
using pointers only, i.e. without using []
Code without using []
in stringCopy
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>
char* stringCopy(char* dest, const char* src);
int main(void) { char s[] = "Hello"; char d[6]; printf("d after copying has '%s'.\n", stringCopy(d, s)); return 0; }
char* stringCopy(char* pdest, const char* psrc) { char* pdestCopy = pdest; while (*psrc != '\0') { *pdestCopy = *psrc; pdestCopy++; psrc++; } *pdestCopy = '\0'; return pdest; }
To help with visualization, we will use the following diagram to show the values of pdest
, pdestCopy
and psrc
after a few iterations of the while loop in stringCopy

Fig. 10.8 Showing the values of pdest
, pdestCopy
and psrc
after a few iterations of the while loop in stringCopy
In line \(15\), we check if the element at psrc
is not the end of the source string.
In line \(16\), we copy the element at psrc
to the element at pdestCopy
In line \(17\), we increment pdestCopy
to point to the next element in the destination string.
In line \(18\), we increment psrc
to point to the next element in the source string.
The while loop will exit when the element at psrc
is the end of the source string. This is when the element at pdestCopy
is the end of the destination string. In line \(20\), we then assign the null character to the element at pdestCopy
to terminate the destination string.
In line \(14\), we copied the address of pdest
to pdestCopy
. This is because we want to return the address of the destination string. We cannot return the address of pdestCopy
because it will point to the last element in the destination string after the while loop exits. We want to return the address of the first element in the destination string stored in pdest
. strncpy
copies the entire source string into the destination string. This can cause problems if the destination string is not large enough to hold the source string. The function strncpy
copies the first n
characters of the source string into the destination string, or until it observes a '\0'
character in the source string. The function prototype is as follows:
char* strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n);
The function copies n
characters in src
into dest
. If n
is larger than the size of src
, the function will copy characters in src
till and including the null character \0
in the src
string, then it will put '\0'
for the remaining characters that should be copied into dest
. The function returns the address of the destination string dest
The following program demonstrates the use of strncpy
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>
int main(void) { char d[] = "Hello world!"; strncpy(d, "Hello", 6); printf("Copied exactly 6 characters: %s\n", d); return 0; }
In the above code, the function strncpy
copies 6 characters into d
, which is the 5 characters in "Hello"
and the null character \0
. Hence, when printing d
, we only see the first 5 characters in "Hello"
till the first null character. As the figure below shows, the other characters in "Hello world!"
are not overwritten.

Fig. 10.9 Copy 6 characters including the null character.#
The function strncpy
does not add any null character to the end of the destination string by default. For example, in the following code, the destination string d
will not be null-terminated, because we only copy 5 characters from "Hello"
into d
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>
int main(void) { char d[] = "Hello world!"; strncpy(d, "Hello", 5); printf("Copied exactly 5 characters: %s\n", d);
return 0; }
The figure below shows that the null character \0
in "Hello"
is not copied to d
, hence, when printing d
, all characters before the null-character were printed.

Fig. 10.10 Copy 5 characters without the null character.#
If n is larger than the size of src
In the above example, if we were to copy more characters than the size of src
into dest
, the function will copy characters in src
till and including the null character \0
in the src
string, then it will put '\0'
for the remaining characters that should be copied into dest
. For example, in the following code, the 7th element of d
will have a null character \0
as shown in the figure below. This would cause a problem if d
did not have enough space to hold the extra null characters \0
char d[] = "Hello world!";
strncpy(d, "Hello", 7);

Fig. 10.11 Copy 7 characters with extra padding of \0
10.3.3. Concatenating Strings# strcat
The function strcat
concatenates the source string to the end of the destination string. The function prototype is as follows:
char* strcat(char *dest, const char *src);
The function concatenates the source string src
to the end of the destination string dest
. This means the null character of the dest
string is overwritten by the first character of src
. The function returns the address of the destination string dest
. The function assumes that the destination string dest
has enough space to hold the concatenated string.
The following program demonstrates the use of strcat

Fig. 10.12 Concatenates the source string to the end of the destination string.#
Concatenated string: Helloworld! strncat
The problem with strcat
is that it concatenates the entire source string to the end of the destination string. This can cause problems if the destination string is not large enough to hold the concatenated string. For example, in the following figure, we concatenate an array with 3 elements "No"
to an array with 2 elements starting from the null-character. The function strcat
will concatenate the 'N'
and 'o'
, but there is no space for the '\0
’, which will cause a buffer overflow.

Fig. 10.13 Error! Concatenates the source string to the end of the destination string, while the destination string does not have enough space#
A safer option for concatenation is the function strncat
that concatenates the first n
characters, or until a '\0'
is observed, in the source string to the end of the destination string. The function prototype is as follows:
char* strncat(char *dest, const char *src, size_t n);
The function concatenates the first n
characters of the source string src
to the end of the destination string dest
. The null character of the dest
string is overwritten by the first character of src
. The function returns the address of the destination string dest
. The function assumes that the destination string dest
has enough space to hold the n
characters. Opposite to strncpy
, the function strncat
adds a null character to the end of the destination string if it was not terminated by null.
The following program demonstrates the use of strncat
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>
int main(void) { char s[4] = "Oh"; s[3] = 'x'; char t[] = "No"; strncat(s, t, 1); if(s[3] == '\0'){ printf("strncpy null terminates the destination if it wasn't!\n"); } printf("Concatenated string: %s\n", s); return 0; }
If n
is larger than the size of src
, and dest
has enough space, the function will copy characters in src
till and including the null character \0
in the src
string, but opposite to strncpy
, it will not put '\0'
for the remaining characters that should be copied into dest
10.3.4. Comparing Strings# strcmp
The function strcmp
compares two strings. The function prototype is as follows:
int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
The function compares the two strings s1
and s2
, looking at their lexicographic order, which is the order of their appearance in the dictionary. The function returns an integer:
less than zero, if
is found befores2
in the dictionary,equal to, if
is identical tos2
,or greater than zero if
is found afters2
in the dictionary.
The function compares the strings character by character, and stops comparing when characters are not matching or when a null character \0
is encountered in either string. The function assumes that the strings are null-terminated.
The following program demonstrates the use of strcmp
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>
int main(void) { char s1[40]; char s2[40]; printf("Enter two strings separated by new line or white space: "); scanf("%s", s1); scanf("%s", s2); if (strcmp(s1, s2) < 0) { printf("'%s' is before '%s' in dictionary!\n", s1, s2); } else if (strcmp(s1, s2) > 0) { printf("'%s' is after '%s' in dictionary!\n", s1, s2); } else if (strcmp(s1, s2) == 0) { printf("'%s' is identical to '%s'!\n", s1, s2); }
return 0; }
More examples
Enter two strings separated by new line or white space: apple book "apple" is before "book" in dictionary!
Enter two strings separated by new line or white space: dog dig "dog" is after "dig" in dictionary! strncmp
The function strncmp
compares at most the first n
characters of two strings. The function prototype is as follows:
int strncmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n);
The function compares at most the first n
characters of the two strings s1
and s2
, looking at their lexicographic order, which is the order of their appearance in the dictionary. The comparison stops when characters are not matching or when a null character \0
is encountered or after comparing n
characters. Similar to strcmp
, the function returns an integer that is less than zero, equal to zero, or greater than zero if s1
is found before, identical to, or after s2
in the dictionary, respectively.
The following program demonstrates the use of strncmp
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>
int main(void) { char s1[40]; char s2[40]; int n = 5; printf("Enter two strings separated by new line or white space: "); scanf("%s", s1); scanf("%s", s2); if (strncmp(s1, s2, n) < 0) { printf("'%s' is before '%s' in dictionary!\n", s1, s2); } else if (strncmp(s1, s2, n) > 0) { printf("'%s' is after '%s' in dictionary!\n", s1, s2); } else if (strncmp(s1, s2, n) == 0) { printf("The first %d character in '%s' is identical to '%s'!\n", n, s1, s2); }
return 0; }
10.3.5. Looking for something in a string# strchr
The function strchr
searches for a character in a string. The function prototype is as follows:
char* strchr(const char *s, int c);
The function searches for the first occurrence of the character c
in the string s
. The function returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c
in s
. If c
is not found in s
, the function returns NULL
. The function assumes that the string s
is null-terminated.
The following program demonstrates the use of strchr
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>
int main(void) { char s[] = "Programming"; char c = 'm'; int dist = strchr(s, c) - s; printf("The first %c is found at index %d in '%s'\n", c, dist, s); return 0; } strstr
The function strstr
searches for a substring in a string. The function prototype is as follows:
char* strstr(const char *s1, const char *s2);
The function searches for the first occurrence of the string s2
in the string s1
. The function returns a pointer to the first occurrence of s2
in s1
. If s2
is not found in s1
, the function returns NULL
. The function assumes that the strings s1
and s2
are null-terminated.
The following program demonstrates the use of strstr
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>
int main(void) { char str[] = "Note: Enjoy APS105!"; char search[] = "Enjoy"; printf("Printing characters after '%s': %s\n", search, strstr(str, search)); return 0; }
10.3.6. Exercise using string functions#
Let’s implement strstr
function using string functions we mentioned in this section.
Step 1: Toy example. Say we want to look for string "Enjoy"
in string "Note: Enjoy APS105!"
Step 2: Think of a solution! We can do it in several ways. One way is to look for "Enjoy"
in the first 5 characters of "Note: Enjoy APS105!"
, then in the next 5 characters in "Note: Enjoy APS105!"
, and so on. We can use strncmp
to specify the number of characters to compare. The number of characters to compare can be found using strlen
on "Enjoy"
. We need a pointer to save the location of the next staring character in "Note: Enjoy APS105!"
we want to compare with "Enjoy"
Step 3: Decompose into steps.
char* temp
to the first character of"Note: Enjoy APS105!"
.Compare the first 5 characters of
.If they are identical, return
.If they are not identical, increment
by 1.If character at
is not\0
, go to step 2. Otherwise, returnNULL
Step 4: Write a code.
#include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h>
char* findString(char* s1, char* s2);
int main(void) { char str[] = "Note: Enjoy APS105!"; char search[] = "Enjoy"; printf("Printing characters after '%s': %s\n", search, findString(str, search)); return 0; }
char* findString(char* s1, char* s2) { char* temp = s1; bool found = false; while (*temp != '\0' && !found) { if (strncmp(temp, s2, strlen(s2)) == 0) { found = true; } else { temp++; } } // Exit the loop if found is true or *temp is '\0' if (found) { return temp; } else { return NULL; } }
In line \(16\), we set temp
to point to the first character in s1
In line \(19\), we compare the first 5 characters of temp
with "Enjoy"
. If they are identical, we set found
to true
. If they are not identical, we increment temp
by 1.
In line \(18\), as long as *temp
is pointing at the last character in s1
, which is \0
, and the string is not hence found
is false
, we continue to compare the first 5 characters of temp
with "Enjoy"
In line \(25\), when we exit the loop. found
can be true
or false
. If found
is true
, temp
will hold the position of the first character in s1
that is identical to substring s2
. If found
is false
, then we did not find s2
in s1
, hence we should return NULL
Alternative solution.
We can also look for E
in "Note: Enjoy APS105!"
, then starting at 'E'
compare the next substring of 5 characters in s1
with "Enjoy"
. If they are identical, we can return the pointer to that 'E'
. If they are not identical, we can look for the next E
in "Note: Enjoy APS105!"
and repeat the process. We can do so using strchr
to find the next E
in "Note: Enjoy APS105!"
1char* findStringAlt(char* s1, char* s2) {
2 bool found = false;
3 char* foundChar = strchr(s1, s2[0]);
4 while (foundChar != NULL && !found) {
5 if (strncmp(foundChar, s2, strlen(s2)) == 0) {
6 found = true;
7 } else {
8 foundChar = strchr(foundChar + 1, s2[0]);
9 }
10 }
11 return foundChar; // will be NULL if not found and will point to the first
12 // character of the substring found
In line \(3\), we set foundChar
to point to the first character in s1
that is identical to the first character in s2
In line \(5\), we compare the first 5 characters of foundChar
with "Enjoy"
. If they are identical, we set found
to true
In line \(8\), if they are not identical, we start from the next character in after the character in foundChar
by incrementing foundChar
, and look for the next E
in "Note: Enjoy APS105!"
. strchr
will return NULL
is the character E
is not found, and foundChar
will be set to NULL
In line \(4\), if foundChar
is not NULL
, and found
is still false
, we continue to compare the first 5 characters of foundChar
with "Enjoy"
In line \(11\), we exit the loop when either found
is true
, hence foundChar
will point to the first character of the substring found, or foundChar
, hence we did not find s2
in s1
. Either ways, we should return foundChar
The following table lists the most commonly used string functions.
Function |
Description |
Returns the length of a string. |
Copies a string. |
Copies the first |
Concatenates two strings. |
Concatenates the first |
Compares two strings. |
Compares the first |
Searches for a character in a string. |
Searches for a substring in a string. |
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